Full–service management, which includes the advocacy of the client, image–building in accordance with all requests, performance organization and arrangement, escorting to the performance venue and task management there. Additionally: booking, communication, administration, and schedule management.

A Vertigo Dance Company-vel
A Peeping Tom-mal
A Mut Dance Company-vel
Az M Studio-val
Az Aterballetto-val
Csillagok találkozása - nemzetközi balettgála
Az Aterballetto-val
Malandain Ballet Biarritz
Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company
Holland Nemzeti Balett Junior Company
With dancers of the Martha Graham Dance Company and students of the Hungarian Dance University
With dancers of the Martha Graham Dance Company and students of the Hungarian Dance University
genfi balett art management 2021
scapino balett art management 2021
ladanyai andrea art management 2021
tanzmainz art management 2021
Az Acosta Danza-val
A Susanna Leinonen Company-vel
Az MDTistanbul-lal, az Isztambuli Állami Operaház modern táncegyüttesével
A Nuovo di Balletto di Toscana-val
Liquid Sound


We run the performances/projects of our clients and handle their invitations.


​Fulfilling, organizing and arranging the project management tasks of different projects.


​Generating and organizing press and media presence, creating and managing a website, creation and maintenance of an official Facebook profile.


Financial and legal advocacy of the client.

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